Heather Woytus Heather Woytus

Full Stop

To live is to be willing to die over and over again. - Pema Chodron, When Things Fall Apart

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Heather Woytus Heather Woytus

Less Caring/More Robe Time

Years ago, my sister gave me some advice: care less. It sounds like terrible advice, doesn’t it? Except it isn’t.

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Heather Woytus Heather Woytus

On Failure

First, the headline: I DQed my triathlon. Four months of training, only to be defeated by Lake Michigan.

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Heather Woytus Heather Woytus

Breaking up is hard to do

I have a hard time letting go. I think because so few things have ever belonged to me, it’s been so rare for me to feel secure, that once I feel stable, it’s hard for me to walk back out into the wind.

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Heather Woytus Heather Woytus

Live long and prosper, jerk

I grew up in rural Texas, and I’m one of the oldest kids in a very large family - like more than the Duggars large.

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Heather Woytus Heather Woytus

You might be dying (you might be fine)

About a year ago, I noticed that one of my pupils was getting very small, and the other was getting very large. I thought it was weird, but I just ignored it because I had other sh*t going on.

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Heather Woytus Heather Woytus

The very worst at the sports

I’m a terrible sports-person. I played soccer as a kid and in high school. I put the ball in the net for the other team once as a 6-year-old, and I was the top scorer on my high school with my two goals - total. At least I had learned to shoot on the correct end of the field by then.

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Heather Woytus Heather Woytus

Starbursts and Zoloft

Something I learned this year: Divorce doesn’t make you happy. Drugs make you happy.

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Heather Woytus Heather Woytus


For most of my life, I was positive that I didn’t want kids. I grew up in a huge family. I was one of the oldest. I told myself I wanted to be responsible for only me, but really - I was just terrified to be a parent.

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Heather Woytus Heather Woytus

The 6 types of men you meet on Tinder

After going on what felt like a million dates, I can (un)scientifically say that there are 6 types of men you meet on Tinder - at least amongst the 37-46 cis-male crowd with whom I am accustomed.

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Heather Woytus Heather Woytus

When life goes sideways

Sometimes life gives you lemons. Other times it throws a boulder at you. I don’t like lemonade, and I’m terrible at rock climbing - so when my life blew up, I reacted poorly.

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