An Exhaustive Guide to Life from Someone Who Does Everything Wrong



Over the years, many people have shared lessons, mantras, rules, guidelines with me. Some were funny; some were lifechanging - all made an impact. For the record, I follow the below advice on a 7 out of 10 ratio.

  • If you’re in a room with 20 other people who think we should turn left - but you think we should turn right - speak up. Being brave enough to say what you really think is called integrity, and that’s how people know they can trust you. - From a mentor at my very first job (Candi Carter)

  • Never go to the second location. (This applies to 100% of crime and 50% of nights out on the town.) -The Oprah Winfrey Show

  • What other people think of you is none of your business. - Who knows but I’ll credit a past colleague who shared it with me.

  • Our life’s purpose is to live in the moment. - Eckhart Tolle

  • IPAs are gross. - Everyone

  • People judge what they can’t relate to. - My sister

  • Sometimes we daydream about what we would do “in another life.” How funny - as if we have more than one. - Glennon Doyle

  • To-go cocktails are the only good thing to come out of covid. - Chicagoans

  • Life is made up of both the wonderful and the terrible. Don’t turn a blind eye to the terrible - you’ll miss out on half of life. - Pema Chodron

  • Every decision and action should begin with intention. - Oprah Winfrey

  • “Best friend” is a TIER. - The Mindy Kaling Show

  • Acceptance doesn’t mean what happened was ok; it just means you see it for what it is. - Eckhart Tolle

  • Well-done steaks are a felony crime against humanity. - Everyone who isn’t a philistine


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