Online Dating, or Squid Game?
Online dating can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Or a Squid Game.
Anyone who exists within a 10-mile real life radius or on the planet (virtually) knows I co-host a podcast about dating, relationships, and second acts after divorce, with my pal Laura Koo. We share too much, cry too little, and laugh a whole lot over there. Ill-advised? Definitely. But-it’s real and honest. Our take is that you get one life-might as well be brave and tell the truth about it.
I’ve been dating for a little over a year or so now. I’ve learned a lot, and the way I date now is so, so different than I dated a year (or even six months) ago. I’ve learned a lot about the What and the How, both what I want from myself and in someone I’m dating.
The What
Well, I AM myself, so there’s not too much I can do about The What here. Cannot replace who I am. The package deal is…
Mom, career, active, creative, hard-working
Spiritual but not religious
Mostly a good person (at least 85%)
Horrifyingly goofy
I know how to pour scotch and share the remote (at the same time.)
My date
Active, creative, hard-working
Has been in love before
Not too attached to organized religion
Doesn’t hold a dead fish in his profile pics (this is a REAL ISSUE)
At least a year divorced or definitely out of “frat boy” mode
Mostly a good person (at least 85%)
Geography does not matter. As established many times on my podcast, I am destined to never date anyone who lives less than 45 minutes away
Knows how to buy me flowers on a Tuesday
The How
Applies to both of us
Is loving and allows me to reciprocate. (Harder to find than you would think.)
Able to prioritize ourselves but also care about my feelings.
Able to talk, ask questions, communicate.
Actively pursue each other and make each other feel wanted.
Both of us are in therapy or otherwise working on our sh*t.
I am an alpha, and one thing I know is I need another alpha. Alpha doesn’t mean demanding or bossy; it means confidence, kindness, assertiveness.
Will not inflict IPAs on each other. Heaven forbid a craft IPA.
Saying “yes” anytime one of us says we need something. This might be support, a conversation, a joke, a cookie.
Best friends who do lots of fun things together and also make out. TALL ORDER I KNOW.
Funnily, getting clear on these things has meant I date a whole lot less. I used to go on 2-3 dates a week. Now it’s maybe once per month. Maybe. When you’re in your second act, ready to have feelings and actually date in a meaningful way, that can mean you’re looking for a needle in a haystack. I don’t care about “red flags” or checklists, but I do care about being with someone good, kind, and caring. I require the same out of myself. It’s a journey, that’s for sure.
And-where’s my dead fish?